Useful Resources
Important Note
Some sites linked to here still list dopamine agonists as a first line treatment which is contrary to current best international practice as documented in the Mayo Clinic Algorithm and understood by RLS-UK. Dopamine agonists can cause worsening of symptoms over time (known as augmentation), and have severe side effects such as Impulse Control Disorder, and have been relegated to end-of-life treatment and otherwise superseded by gabapentinoids or in severe cases low dose opioids
One Page Guides
These guides focus on three topics of vital importance for the RLS Community and combine best practice from leading RLS experts with knowledge and understanding distilled from the experiences shared on the RLS-UK Health Unlocked Forum
While the guides represent RLS-UK charity’s understanding of best practice, it is possible that many UK practitioners may not be familiar with the content. We are continually striving to correct this by lobbying and working with key stakeholders in the NHS and Government