Symptoms & Diagnosis
How do I know if I have RLS?
Many people living with RLS are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. There is often confusion about what the symptoms of RLS are and/or whether a person has these symptoms. Use the symptom checker below to see if you might have RLS.
The International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG) has proposed a set of RLS diagnostic criteria - the fifth of these criteria was recently added. Diagnosis of Restless Legs Syndrome can be made if all of the five criteria are met:
1. A need to move the legs, usually accompanied or caused by uncomfortable, unpleasant sensations in the legs: Any kind of sensation may be a manifestation of RLS and a wide variety of descriptions have been used ranging from "painful" to "burning" - some people say it feels like they have insects inside their legs or arms. Sometimes the need to move is present without the uncomfortable sensations and sometimes the arms or other body parts are involved in addition to the legs.
2. The need to move and unpleasant sensations are exclusively present or worsen during periods of rest or inactivity such as lying or sitting.
3. The need to move and unpleasant sensations are partially or totally relieved by movement such as walking or stretching at least as long as the activity continues.
4. The need to move and unpleasant sensations are generally worse or exclusively occur in the evening or night.
5. Symptoms are not solely accounted for by another condition such as leg cramps, positional discomfort, leg swelling or arthritis.
RLS often causes difficulty in falling or staying asleep, one of the chief complaints of the condition. Many people who have the disease also have Periodic Limb Movements (PLM) - jerking of the arms or legs that is often associated with sleep disruption.
A single question for Rapid Screening
The European Journal of Neurology reported a new single question for the rapid screening of RLS in the neurological clinical practice - "When you try to relax in the evening or sleep at night, do you ever have unpleasant, restless feelings in your legs that can be relieved by walking or movement?“. This question has 100% sensitivity and 96.8% specificity for the diagnosis of RLS.
It is recommended that patients with RLS are given the following tests by their medical practitioner, as a minimum:
- Serum ferritin: RLS is frequently associated with iron deficiency.
- Renal function: RLS may be associated with renal failure.
- Other investigations for underlying possible cause include fasting blood glucose, magnesium, TSH, vitamin B12 and folate.
- If the neurological examination suggests an associated peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy, electromyography and nerve conduction studies should be undertaken.
A scoring system for RLS symptom severity has also been developed by the IRLSSG. It is used in clinical trials and other studies to evaluate therapeutic effects of treatment.
Diagnosis of the severity of RLS is done through a series of 10 questions, each scored using a RLS rating of 0 to 4 and therefore leading to a maximum total score of 40.
The severity of RLS symptoms are scored as:
Mild (total score of 1-10)
Moderate (11-20)
Severe (21-30)
Very severe (31-40)
The patient’s score can be used to decide whether pharmacological treatment would be beneficial.

RLS Categories. RLS is often categorised into three severities to assist selection of appropriate therapies:
Intermittent RLS is defined as restless legs symptoms that are troublesome enough to require treatment but occur on average less than twice per week
Chronic persistent RLS is defined as restless legs symptoms that are frequent and troublesome enough to require daily treatment, usually occurring on average at least twice a week and resulting in moderate or severe distress
Refractory RLS is restless legs unresponsive to monotherapy with tolerable doses of first-line agents due to reduction in efficacy, augmentation, or adverse effects.
Refer to a neurologist or sleep specialist if:
- There is insufficient initial response despite adequate duration and dose of treatment.
- Response to treatment becomes insufficient despite an increased dose.
- Side-effects are intolerable.
- The maximum recommended dosage is no longer effective
- Augmentation develops (onset of symptoms earlier in the day, increased severity of symptoms, or the spread of symptoms to different parts of the body, such as the arms, trunk or face)
Children with RLS should not be treated in primary care.